Sunday, July 23, 2023

Highlight Nirvana

 This was how my season ended last year.


Championships are the only reason to be carried off the field.

Who made this!?


Tuesday was the one-year anniversary of my hamstring reattachment surgery.   It’s been a rough road to recovery…physically and mentally.

Several times during the offseason rehab, I retired and unretired from the Cougars and our beloved sport of 16-inch softball. 

My nerves were holding me back…. physically and mentally.

Physically, my flexibility and strength have slowly returned but the nerve pain persists. 

Mentally, I was scared of reinjury and didn’t have the nerve to get back on the diamond.

The nervous energy from my nervous breakdown was nerve-wracking.   

A comeback story was needed.  Everyone loves a comeback story.

With a reinvigorated Captain Cougar on the mound, the entire team had nerves of steel.  

There was only room for one comeback story on Tuesday night as the Cougars won a hard fought contest over ONG, 7-6.  Earlier this season we beat ONG by 26 runs. 

My guess is that we are getting on their nerves.


First Inning

The Cougars unnerved our foe right off the bat.  Kev singled, Charley walked, Goose singled for a ribbie, Fort walked to load the bases, JD singled to plate a run, Big Ball Jimmy singled for two RBIs, and Captain Cougar singled for a tally.

One hit by ONG but stellar defense by Big Ball Jimmy, CRads, Fort and JD shut ‘em down.

Cougars 5  ONG 0


Second Inning

We were shut down 1-2-3.

ONG scored two.  CRads was involved in all three putouts including a screaming line drive at the hot corner.

Cougars 5  ONG 2


Third Inning

Goose and JD singled but were stranded on the bases.

ONG scored four and could have had more, but Big Ball Jimmy, Goose, and CRads stopped their run.  CRads caught another screamer and you can hear Philthy, who always hits your ulnar nerve — um funny bone — saying he would have to change his underpants if a ball was rocketed at him like that.  Cougars down by one.

Cougars 5  ONG 6


Fourth Inning

Big Ball Jimmy singled and Boom walked but didn’t touch home plate.

ONG singled to lead off the inning.  Kev caught a high fly ball in left for the first out.  The next batter hit a hard grounder to CRads at third and he tossed it to Big Ball Jimmy, who swept his foot over second and fired it to JD at first for the inning-ending double play.

Cougars still losing by a run, 6-5.


Fifth Inning

Crawdaddy and CRads singled for runners on one and two.  Goose hit a monster triple to score a couple notches and retake the lead. 

The first batter for ONG singled.  The next batter hit a shot up the middle, but Big Ball Jimmy grasped it off the ground, touched second base and winged it to JD for the double play.  The last batter fouled out.

Cougars 7  ONG 6


Sixth Inning

The Cougars all had quiet bats and only JD reached base on a walk.

The first batter looped one into short center for a single.  Goose made a fantastic running catch for the first out.  Fort finely fielded a grounder to get the lead runner and second out.  Big Ball Jimmy followed with the same for the last out.

Cougars 7  ONG 6


Seventh Inning

Cougars downed 1-2-3.

Nervous tension joined both teams in the bottom of the last inning.  Fort made a play in the hole at SS and fired it to JD who made a perfect catch.  One out.  Second batter fouled out.  Two outs.  Fort finished it with a beauty play at SS and armed it to JD.  Three outs.

Cougar win 7-6.

Victory is always sweet nerve-ana!

Go Cougars!


Full Game Video








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