Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Rad Pack

In their heyday, the Rat Pack seized the spotlight at the Sands and fans swooned at their antics on stage.   The Rat Pack had charm and talent, exuding the essence of cool in Las Vegas, America’s Playground.

Still living our glory days, on Tuesday, the Cougars, or shall we say the Rad Pack, seized the spotlight on the sand while fans swooned at our antics on the field.  On Tuesday, the Rad Pack took the stage on the Howard Park playground, exuding the essence of cool like the Rat Pack.

What one thing do both the Rat Pack and the Rad Pack have in common?  Enjoying success with a martini.

The Rat Pack used their martinis center stage. 


The Rad Pack have their center stage Martini.


For 16 years, our Martini has been stirring and shaking it up much to the dismay of our competitors.

It was 60 years ago that Frank, Dean, and Sammy released The Rat Pack: Live At The Sands 1963, and it was an instant classic. 

On Tuesday, the Cougars released The Rad Pack: Live on the Sand 2023, and it was an instant classic.  The Cougars’ performance went straight to the top of the charts with our 8-3 victory over Ready By Tuesday.

It was a full-team effort, but it was Martini who led the way.  First,  he pitched another stellar game.  More than that, though, Martini was dancing on defense, participating in 11 of the 21 outs,  while crooning on offense, driving in 3 of our 8 runs.

Like a medley of greatest hits, let’s recap our chart topping performance because on Tuesday, the Rad Pack were the Kings of Swing. 


First Inning

We limited RBT to a lone hit and Martini fielded a hot comebacker for his first putout.

CRads and Andy singled but we stranded them.

Zeros on both sides.


Second Inning

Another lone single for the opponent.  We got out of the inning unscathed because of a beautifully executed double play from Martini to Big Ball Jimmy to Li’l Rads.

We plated our first run on a Boom single and a double smashed by Big Ball Jimmy.

Cougars 1 RBT 0


Third Inning

Ready by Tuesday realized what day it was and hit three straight singles with one tally.  With runners on second and third, the batter hit the ball to Kev in left field.  Kev made a splendid sliding catch and then fired the ball to CRads who stepped on third base to cancel the runner who left the base early for our second double play of the game.  Eddy finished out the inning with a fabulous catch and throw from short center to L’il Rads at first base for the last out.

Pastor Ted and CRads singled to put them at first and second.   Andy drove a hard ball to score both of them.  Martini followed with a smash single to score Andy. On the highlight reel, watch Boom put on a coaching masterclass at third base!  Impressive and well done!

Cougars 4 – RBT 1


Fourth Inning

Andy made a sweet line drive catch for the first out.  Our foe had back-to-back singles for runners at one and two.  Martini had a laser shot at him and threw the ball to CRads to get the lead runner.  Martini and Li’l Rads teamed up for the third out.

We took a break from the stage and went down 1-2-3.

Cougars 4 – RBT 1


Fifth Inning

The RBT leadoff hitter flew the ball to the moon.  As he rounded third and headed for home, Li’l Rads helped by taking the throw and collided with the runner at home plate for a kick in the head.  A highlight was when an RBT runner tried taking an extra base but Goose fired it to Jimmy who fired it to CRads to tag the runner.

Li’l Rads singled while the rest of us were warming up for our final set.

Cougars 4 – RBT 2


Sixth Inning

The leadoff hitter lasered the ball to Martini and he tossed it to Li’l Rads for the first out.  RBT then had two singles for men on first and second.  The next batter hit a shot to Li’l Rads right and he dove to stop the ball and fired it to Martini who covered first base.  The third out was another hard grounder to Martini.

It was our turn to hit the stage.  Goose and Andy had singles and Martini tripled down the right field line for two ribbies.  Joker got wild and laced the ball down the line to score Martini.  Eddy and Boom singled to load ‘em up.  Li’l Rads pounded a sac fly for another RBI.  

Cougars 8 – RBT 2


Seventh Inning

RBT led off with a double and added a single but no runs.  Martini was involved in all three outs, including another Martini to Big Ball Jimmy to Li’l Rads double play, which was our third of the game.

No offensive encore needed for the Cougars. Game over. Victory.

Like a skilled composer, Diamond Dave wrote the winning score of 8-2 in the book for the Rad Pack.

After the gig, the Cougars and our entourage went backstage to celebrate. 

On nights like Tuesday, the Cougars always do it our way...with a Martini.


Game Video









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