Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shacker Hacker

Shacker Hacker!   Yup, it's our turn this week.   

On April Fools' Day a couple years ago, ol' Captain Cougar thought it would be funny to hang the Cougars team picture at our sponsor, Chicken Shack.  

We thought we would return the foolishness and hack into the blog after our big game against the Cougars last night.  How'd we do it?  Well, that is quite easy, my friend.  You see, we know Rads loves his Cougars so much that we assumed his password had to have something to do with the team.  Of course it did - cougarschamps2011.

After our Shack Hack, it was time for the Shack Attack.  We captured Radtke out of a sleepy stupor and dressed him in a red Chicken Shack jersey.  It was easy to do.  Julie and Miranda are thousands of miles away in Paris and Charley was too busy playing Minecraft to even notice.  

So, smarty pants, you wanted your picture at Shack, huh?  Okay, Softball Scott, here is your wish come true.  Now you're the cool fool!

He will be fine.  We just needed him sidelined for a while.  Why the duct tape?  Because he never shuts up.  Constantly yammering on about nonsense.

Here's the deal for this week, fine readers, we have gone Shacknado on the blog.  We will write last night's recap.

Oh, don't worry, we know the formula.  Be folksy, use alliteration, throw in a few rhymes and overuse puns.  If the Cougars win everybody gets a shout out and life is grand.  If the Cougars come out on the losing end, the blog is one big fun diversion to balance the defeat.  We've also got Google fired up and ready to search for fun quips and the ever-handy Thesaurus (you know he doesn't really know all those words).

We beat the Cougars 5-0 last night.  Wait, wait!  This is where Radtke would write something like, "Well, it is only appropriate that Shack beat us 5-0 last night because 50 is their average age."  Or "Shack plays better in the summer because they are no spring chickens."  Hardy har har...

The game was fast-paced but the runs came slowly.  

The first four innings were scoreless and both teams went down in order except for hits by Hoglund and Otsuka for the Cougars and Pekar, Jablonowski, Flynn and Freedman for Chicken Shack.  

The Cougars were hitless in the fifth.  In our half of the inning, we were poultry in motion.  We scored four runs with hits by Sheridan, Williams, Witz and O'Brien, Romanek, Freedman and Oh.

In the sixth inning the Cougars had hits by Otsuka and Lipsey but we were able keep them stranded on the basepaths.   We scored once more in the bottom with hits by Pekar and Walker.

We held them in the seventh inning for our tenth victory.

Our guess is that the Cougars were fowl-mouthed after the loss.  

It was a great night for both teams.  We nested at the outstanding Oh coop and the Cougars prowled the fantastic Fortier den.  Cold cocktails, flavorsome food and competitive cornhole.

McDonnell was taking pictures all night.  We gave him some of his own medicine (nitrous oxide of course - why do you think he is always smiling and laughing), and made him take pictures of us Shackers too.

There you have it.   The game is now forever memorialized on the Cougars Shack Blog.

We are not counting our chickens before they hatch, but we are looking forward to the playoffs, which start in two weeks.  We hope to see the Cougars in the postseason and exact revenge for their playoff victory against us last year.

Allrighty, we need to wrap this up.  We are not real sure where Captain Cougar gets the time to write this stuff.  Does he even have a job?  He always tries to end with something cute.

We will simply close it with the old question:  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  This week the Cougars are the egg because the Chickens came first.