Wednesday, July 17, 2013

May You Live Every Day of Your Life

The honorary captain of our opponent, Gulliver's, couldn't make the game last night.  He's been dead over 250 years.

The prose on these pages are somewhat modeled after the renowned satirist, Jonathan Swift.  Like the characters in Swift's books, the follies and shortcomings of the Cougars are recollected in a funny and playful manner on the blog.

We lost a tough one last night.  Gulliver's bested us 7-6.  

"Fine words!  I wonder where you stole them."

Is he talking about the blog's title today?  Well, from you, of course, fine sir!  Let's have some help from Swift and his finest quotes as we recap last night's contest.

"We are so fond of each other because our aliments are the same."

It was not a good start and we all shared the same pain.  Gulliver's scored thrice in the top of the first while the bottom of the inning saw the Cougars go down 1-2-3.  Bad guys 3-0.

"No wise man ever wished to be younger."

The second inning was scoreless for our opponent while Danielsen had a smash single and our old wise man, Lipsey, jacked a home run like a young boy (Little League style - a single and three miscues).  Them 3-2.

"Men are happy to be laughed at for their humor, but not their folly."

The third was a busy inning.  Gulliver's tallied four in their half of the frame by scattering the ball around the field and capitalizing on some Cougar shortcomings.  It was not funny.  We responded by cracking the ball and cracking wise.  McDonnell led off with a shot to center and Lipinski hit a towering triple to left-center.  Preschlack, in his first at-bat this season, had a violent swing and the ball screamed down the third base line for a ribbie.  Still losing 7-4.

"Nothing is so hard for those who abound in riches as to conceive how others can be in want."

We wanted what they had.  Runs.  Our defense shut them down in the top of the fourth.  In our action, Boomgaarden, Radtke and Fortier all had singles and Danielsen knocked two runs in with a two-bagger.  Down 7-6.

"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible."

Invisible is nothing.  Zero is nothing.  You can't see nothing.  A double negative makes it positive, which means we saw something.  Huh?  Now I'm confused.  Anyway, both teams went down in order in the fifth and scored zero runs.  Still 7-6.

"There are few, very few, that will own themselves in a mistake."

We found ourselves in some trouble on defense in the sixth when they loaded the bases.  The Cougars truly are the very few that own our faults on the field.  We tightened our D and left them without a notch, thanks to a Fortier to Lipinski to Danielsen double play.  When we had our swings, we went down 1-2-3 again (we owned that too).  No change 7-6.

"You should never be ashamed to admit you have been wrong.  It only proves you are wiser today than yesterday."

We did everything right and Gulliver's put up a goose egg in the seventh.  For Team Green in the bottom of the last, Preschlack led off with a hit but we were wrong to not drive him in.  We will be much smarter next week.   Loss 7-6.

"Better belly burst than good liquor be lost."
The Flannery Family put on primo postgame!

"There are few wild beasts more to be dreaded than a talking man having nothing to say."

I guess ol' Jon Swift wants me to wrap it up.  It was a sensational summer night with family and friends!  

Every day should be lived like this!

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