Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cool Whipped

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.  Coincidence?  I think not!  ~ Author Unknown

Our doubleheader last night was a treat.  Two games in one night?  C'mon, are you kidding me?  It was like having two desserts after dinner two weeks in a row.  It was going to be a sweet night, but it turned out to be no cakewalk.

The first game against Ethervision was like a scrumptious piece of cake.  Our defense crumbled and their offense pounded.  We were upside-down and losing 7-0 after the first inning.  As the game was cooking, each batter added something to the mix.  They were pitching us some cookies and over the next three innings we scored s'more runs and tried pudding pressure on them by rising to the occasion and going up 8-7.  We could not put the icing on the cake this time.  Ethervison was the Cake Boss in this contest and topped us 9-8.

We kneaded help.  So between games we ran across the street to the postgame kitchen and added important ingredients to our bodies:  barley, water, hops and yeast. 

In our second attempt at whipping up a victory, we were matched up with last year's "A" league champions.  They beat us like an egg and scored 15, while we ended up with a big ol' donut hole.  They frosted us to become the Ace of Cakes.

The postgame was a delectable affair.  School is out and the egg timer is set a little later for all kid and adult folk.  Diddy was in charge of the postgame spread and gave us a grill thrill.  Fitting with the official Cougar team color, JRads baked up enough key lime pies to feed the hungry masses in honor of our super fan Steve's birthday, who is also known as Julie and Diddy's dad.

Next week we plan to add some zest and spice to the recipe and taste victory.  Easy as pie.

Update:  A number of fans asked for the Key Lime Pie recipe that Julie uses to make the best dadgum pie this side of the Mason-Dixon Line.

Key Lime Pie


1-1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
6 T melted butter
2 T granulated sugar

Mix and press into 9" pie plate.  Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 5 minutes, until crust is golden.


3 large egg yolks
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp grated lime peel
1/2 cup lime juice

Whisk together egg yolks and sweetened condensed milk.  Add lime peel and slowly add lime juice- whisk well.  Pour filling into crust.  Bake 15 minutes.  Cool 20 minutes.  Chill 2 hours.


1 cup heavy whipping cream 
2 T powdered sugar

Beat whipping cream to soft peaks.  Gradually add in powdered sugar and beat to stiff peaks.  Spread on top of pie.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Scott sounds like the recipe for the ball game didnt work but the after game meal looked Great !! Yall will do fine the next game Go Cougars!!!! Love Ya Jim
