Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Adrenaline Junkies

With every tick the heartbeat intensifies.  With every tock the lungs accelerate.  During softball season, this slow drip of adrenaline starts as soon as I awaken on Tuesdays.  By the time the ballgame begins, the amp level is teetering on the red line.

It is hard to match the adrenaline rush of a competitive event.  Unless, of course, you are playing two competitive events.  And that is exactly what the Cougars did last night.

Our first matchup was against Slaughter House 9, although they did field 10 last night.  As an upstart team, we were once in their spikes.  The Cougars vividly remember our very first victory, which ranks behind last year's championship only by a minuscule margin.

The endorphins were released early as the Cougars started the game with a four-bagger for a 1-0 lead.  SH9 was tough on D and put us down in order in the second inning.  

In the third we matched the inning number with three runs.  Ski, Philthy and Stabber all crossed the plate with the help of Hogs and Diamond Dave. 

Our opponent was fighting back with perfectly placed rockets but the Cougar defense stopped them short.  Lipinski's double play pivot and throw to get us out of a jam was worthy of a web gem.  The Martini to JD pickoff play worked again this week and saved us from dropping into a hole.  

Diddy's stellar play in left field has really become routine.  When the ball is hit to his pasture, a sense of calm overtakes the Cougars.  He has conditioned us to expect greatness.  Diddy proves you do not need a cape to be a superhero.  Although with the cool weather last night, a cape may have come in handy.  With his mom in attendance last night, she did mention to him a few times he should be wearing a jacket.

We all know the best defense is a great offense and in the fourth inning leading 4-1, the Green Boys came out swinging.  We kissed home plate four times thanks to shots by JD, Diddy, Bobi, Thejokewriter and Martini.  Martin's sleep tank was empty after taking a Vegas redeye to ensure he would make the two-game set, but his gas tank was filled and he was motoring around the bases.

A big Boom score in the top of the seventh made it 9-2 and we held them in the bottom for a big ol' W.  

Game two.  Same field, same bench, same lineup, same opponent as last week.  The Brown Stars were out for revenge.  Seven days later, they were still feeling the sting of getting bit in the bottom of the seventh by Danielsen's buzzing ball.

Our emotions were high coming off the victory and the fans in attendance kept our fire lit.  With summer approaching and school just about over, it is just dynamite to have our spectacular spectators rooting riotously for our passionate play.

We started the first inning with two quick outs and finally notched a tally with a Fortier smash and a JD blast.  We rang up two more in the second with Lipsey and Otsuka circling the bases.  We had a 3-0 lead after the top of the third.

In the bottom, the Brown Stars found the holes.  They had the runs.  We were now on the wrong end.  Brown Stars 4 - Cougars 3.

We tied it back up in the fourth with back-to-back doubles by Danielsen and Bobis.  All evened up at four.

The stars were shining on the Stars in the fifth.  They racked up a solo run and were about to make a run.  Turns out that their runner forgot we have the best pickoff artists in the league.  For the second time in the night and the second time against the Brown Stars, Martin and Danielsen slammed the door on a rally with a perfectly executed pickoff.

We popped the pellet in our final two at-bats and slid home four times for an 8-5 lead.  We had last bats last week against our adversary and this week it was their turn.

Their first two men reached base with the tying run in the batter's box.  He hit a screaming line shot to Bobis at second base.  Our man caught the cannonball and fired it to JD for a double play.  A stellar showing.  Two outs and one to go.  The final hitter whacked a shot to right field and Lipsey camped under the stars and caught the ball for the sweep.

We were way up and it was time to wind down.  We headed to the afterparty and woofed down the wonderful postgame provided by the Lipsey family.  Kristen and Peter put on a showstopping spread.

With the two wins, the Cougars are now at the top of the leaderboard with five victories.  Also, up in the rare air are the Tappers and Chicken Shack.  All three teams are leading the league at 5-2.

We get our weekly fix next week with another doubleheader.  Listen to this news.  Huey Lewis had it wrong.  We don't need a new drug.  Just need more of the same.  We are adrenaline junkies. 


1 comment:

  1. n the bottom, the Brown Stars found the holes. They had the runs. We were now on the wrong end. Brown Stars 4 - Cougars 3.
