Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Let's Play Two!

Before we even showed up at the ballpark we had notched a 10-0 slaughter victory and moved into 10th place. That was fortunate for us because as of 6:40pm, there were more Brown Stars out there than Cougars. Many of our opponent's players were not told that the game was canceled and that they had forfeited. I have a feeling that they are not getting postgame updates either.

We ended up with 8 Brown Stars and 10 Cougars so we put together a practice game and tried for our second victory that day. We batted all 10 and gave them 2 players each inning for defense. We ended up with another victory outscoring them 10-7. It may have been a bit closer but the catcher we supplied thought it was more important to care for the safety of the Cougars heading for home plate by tidying up the the area rather than catching the throw to the plate. Thanks Dave!

As usual, the postgame was a highlight. Otsuka had InBev represented in one cooler and Bud in the other. The Cougars love beer! There were 54 beers on ice and 52 were consumed. It has also been discovered that the Cougars love mustard and this week's delivery device was some tasty sausage grilled up by Fortier. In fact, I was fortunate to have it again this morning while flossing.

After finishing a good portion of the beer, we decided to dial up an Oxer in Vegas because he would be the only Cougar possibly having more fun than us. Turns out he was at Midway and joined us for some midnight beers.

A couple other interesting facts we learned about our Cougar cohorts are that Hoglund invented the phrase "That's what she said" 20 years ago in Cali but forgot to get it trademarked. Also, for a number of years, Lipsey supported his entire existence on the road as a stand-up comic. Highlights can be seen here.

It was great to enjoy an action packed All-Star Game, which was complemented with baseball trivia such as, "Name the 5 Cy Young Award winners who are also convicted felons."

The night ended in the wee hours and once again we turned a Tuesday night into a Friday night. Thanks to Greg for the beers and to Steve for hosting and feeding us.

Once I hear from the park district, I will let you know the scoop for Tuesday.

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