Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Wow, you have a lot of work to do to get better!"

"Wow, you have a lot of work to do to get better!"
- Miranda Radtke, upon hearing the final score.

What a memorable game! We may have set some Wilmette Park District records. For the three teammates not there yesterday, let's just say that we are 0-1 and that after our bye week we won't be any worse.

We played Walter Keefe & Sons, last year's league champs, and they promptly came out and dropped a 17 spot on us in the first inning. Even though it is not clearly evident from the score, the good news is that we steadily improved throughout the game with a final score of 35-1. The high points for the Dead Cougars were keeping them scoreless in the fourth and our RBI in the fifth.

I just checked the schedule and we won't see them again until the playoffs. Seriously, everyone makes the playoffs and we could see them again. My opinion is that they belong in a different league. The only revenge we can have is to not use this company for any general contracting business. In fact, I may make a few biting user comments on the websites of the BBB or Angie's List.

There were a number of calls for more practice. I suggest Saturday morning at 9:00 and again on Tuesday night at 6:45. We can also make the practice on Saturday morning at 8:00 and Tuesday night at 9:00. Whatever time we choose, we plan to be out there for more than an hour. As always, come if you can and leave when you want. Send me a note with what works for you.

It is so hard to do (I'm guilty too) but we need to not make that extra throw. It is almost impossible to catch this ball with two hands and make a tag anyway so we are much better off throwing it to the cutoff man or second base to keep a force play in tact.

Another roster note, my brother-in-law Greg Otsuka, owner of our sole RBI, is now a full fledged member of the team and not just an alternate. So the ante has been brought down again to $53. For those of you that have paid, I owe you a few bucks.

Walter Keefe had an entire cheering section and we had not a single fan. Not that any of us cared last night. There is some nice symmetry with our fanless drubbing and the anniversary of Lee Elia's rant. Here is the unedited version for your pleasure.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Practice Update

Well, a good practice was had on Saturday morning. Martin was hungover, Bobis has a sore arm, Fortier ripped up his hands, Lipinski brought us our team mascot (Frisco), Danielsen can hit a ball over the trees, Hoglund realized they don't play this type of ball in Cali, I have no idea how McDonnell will continue his dentistry practice with a hand that will eventually be wrapped in gauze from a line drive injury and I suffered a skinned leg from sliding into second base (safely). Seriously, so long as we play good and smart defense, we should be just fine.

A few housecleaning items:

Like with the activities for kids, someone needs to bring the postgame snack. We will get the schedule soon but I do know Bobis is up first for bringing the beer on 04/29 since we will go in alphabetical order.

We have had our first roster move. My brother-in-law, Otsuka, has been moved to the practice team and will be there for us when we are shorthanded. My brother, Marc, has been moved up to first team and is fired up to travel from the south side each week for the games.

One of my main goals in the league is to not forfeit a game. For the first game I know that Danielsen and Fortier will not be there. Let me know if you will be not be there on the 29th.

The request for a couple more practices will be heeded. We will definitely have one Saturday from 8-10. Show up when/if you can and leave when you want. The reason for the early and longer time is because I know a few people can only make it before 9 and some are probably only waking up at 9. Any other weekday night is fine with me and I suggest Wednesday at 6:30. Let me know your interest (or lack thereof).

The team name name still needs to be chosen by tomorrow. Here are the entries: Off Together, Pop Outs (or Pops Out), Balls Deep, Tuesday Night Hall Pass, Dead Cougars, Slaughter Rule Clinchers, Big Balls in Town, Pop Flops, Have Nots, Batmen, Louisville Sloggers, Sons of Pitches, Four Baggers, Clinchers, and Pop Tops. I was liking Off Together because it made me laugh. But then Fortier said that what if our opponent is about to beat Off Together and then come from behind and get us in the end, and I started liking some other names better. Let me know.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

16" Softball League

The last time I assembled a 16" softball team we went undefeated and won the championship, although that was in the 6th grade. Like I have mentioned to a number of you already, the main goal with this team is to get a night out, be relatively competitive and quaff a few cold ones after the game.

We will have one game per night on Tuesday nights and the games are between 6:30pm and 10:00pm at Howard Park. The league starts April 29th and ends August 12th. We have 13 on the roster and need to field 10 each game. A number of people travel for business and we have summer vacations as well as other family stuff, so just in case I have 3 alternates who will not be on the official team but can fill in if needed.

The cost for the league is $800 and per person is is about $61.50. I will submit the roster and money in the next few days and you can pay me the entry fee in the next couple weeks. Also, once I get the rules I will forward them along.

A few people have asked about having a practice or two before the first game because they have never played 16" or it has been a while (1991 for me). If anyone would like, I am available this Friday after 5:30 or Saturday until 3:00. At a minimum we need 3 people and we can be done in an hour. We can try for Friday at 6:00 or Saturday at 9:00 or 1:00. Let me know your availability.

We already have a pitcher (Melchiorre), which is one of the toughest slots to fill and if anyone else has a desired position just let me know. Otherwise we can figure it out at a practice/game. We also need a team name so I am happy to hear any suggestions.