Monday, July 31, 2023

All Studs & No Duds

In the summer of 1995, Julie and I said our vows in Chicago, honeymooned in the Caribbean, and then moved to our new house in Georgia.  (A new house for $99,600!  Good price but we were so broke that I had to ask my employer for a $5,000 salary advance for the down payment!)

We had been apartment dwellers the previous three years.  This was our first home.  A place we could make our own. 

Soon after we moved in, the painting and decorating began.  One afternoon I was hanging a shelf in the garage.  It was going to hold some heavy stuff so Julie said that I should be sure to secure it to the garage wall studs, which was something she had learned from her dad, SteveOts.  Securing to the studs ensures stability and strength.  Helpful information because I knew absolutely nothing about home improvement. 

The garage was drywalled so I had to figure out where the studs were located.  I figured I would just keep hammering nails vertically into the wall until I hit a stud.  Pretty clever idea I thought.

A little while later Julie walked out, looked at the garage and saw several nail holes from ground to ceiling.  With a confused and quizzical look, she asked, “Whatcha doin’?”  “Looking for studs, of course” was my response.  She then informed me that studs run vertically and I’d never find one that way. 

Julie called SteveOts and his advice was to get a stud finder.  It was the first time I’d ever heard about such a device that uses magnets to find studs behind drywall.  (It was around this time that I learned about the benefits of spackle, as well). 

Just last week on the morning after our game, Julie asked me to hang a long and heavy shelf. 

First task, find the studs.  I grabbed my almost 30-year old stud finder and went to work. 

Once I found one stud, it was easy to find the rest.  In the home construction game, studs are separated by 16 inches.

It sure was easy to find the studs on Tuesday night.  Our 16-inch softball game brings the Cougars together.

With a 6-0 shutout victory, the Cougars were total studs with stability on defense and strength on offense.  And we always have that Cougar animal magnetism.

Martini and Joker were electric as our battery.  Joker called a flawless game behind the plate and Martini lofted beauty pitches all night.

Our infield was perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  L’il Rads caught everything at 1B, Crawdaddy made a few stellar plays including throwing a runner out from his back at 2B, Big Ball Jimmy showed his utility and versatility at SC, while our left side of Ev and CRads cleanly fielded a dozen or so hot grounders.

Outfield – also perfect. Kev, Goose, Boom were stationed from left to right and not a ball got by them.

An errorless game and our first shutout in 7 years!

We were stud-muffins on offense too!

In the 1st inning, Kev tripled and Ev singled for our first tally.  They each knocked hits in the 4th inning but were stranded.  Joker singled in the 5th and was also stranded.  Going into the 6th inning, Cougars were only up 1-0.  Li’l Rads watched a walk, Crawdaddy singled for runners on first and second.  Ev singled to plate a run.  CRads singled for another ribbie.  Then Goose came to the plate.  We know from Top Gun that Goose is a big stud and he proceeded to launch a rocket that disappeared into the night sky.  The sphere would have cleared the fence had it not hit the overhanging tree like a wall and dropped just inside the fence for a two-run double.  Martini carved a single to the right field line to score our final run.  Philthy may leave dentistry and become a tattoo artist because he beautifully inked our scorebook.

Watch and enjoy all the highlights.  The Cougars are 16-inch studs!




Look at all the studs! Soon after we moved in, I was the stud-ent to studly SteveOts as he taught me stud skills.


Full Game Video









Sunday, July 23, 2023

Highlight Nirvana

 This was how my season ended last year.


Championships are the only reason to be carried off the field.

Who made this!?


Tuesday was the one-year anniversary of my hamstring reattachment surgery.   It’s been a rough road to recovery…physically and mentally.

Several times during the offseason rehab, I retired and unretired from the Cougars and our beloved sport of 16-inch softball. 

My nerves were holding me back…. physically and mentally.

Physically, my flexibility and strength have slowly returned but the nerve pain persists. 

Mentally, I was scared of reinjury and didn’t have the nerve to get back on the diamond.

The nervous energy from my nervous breakdown was nerve-wracking.   

A comeback story was needed.  Everyone loves a comeback story.

With a reinvigorated Captain Cougar on the mound, the entire team had nerves of steel.  

There was only room for one comeback story on Tuesday night as the Cougars won a hard fought contest over ONG, 7-6.  Earlier this season we beat ONG by 26 runs. 

My guess is that we are getting on their nerves.


First Inning

The Cougars unnerved our foe right off the bat.  Kev singled, Charley walked, Goose singled for a ribbie, Fort walked to load the bases, JD singled to plate a run, Big Ball Jimmy singled for two RBIs, and Captain Cougar singled for a tally.

One hit by ONG but stellar defense by Big Ball Jimmy, CRads, Fort and JD shut ‘em down.

Cougars 5  ONG 0


Second Inning

We were shut down 1-2-3.

ONG scored two.  CRads was involved in all three putouts including a screaming line drive at the hot corner.

Cougars 5  ONG 2


Third Inning

Goose and JD singled but were stranded on the bases.

ONG scored four and could have had more, but Big Ball Jimmy, Goose, and CRads stopped their run.  CRads caught another screamer and you can hear Philthy, who always hits your ulnar nerve — um funny bone — saying he would have to change his underpants if a ball was rocketed at him like that.  Cougars down by one.

Cougars 5  ONG 6


Fourth Inning

Big Ball Jimmy singled and Boom walked but didn’t touch home plate.

ONG singled to lead off the inning.  Kev caught a high fly ball in left for the first out.  The next batter hit a hard grounder to CRads at third and he tossed it to Big Ball Jimmy, who swept his foot over second and fired it to JD at first for the inning-ending double play.

Cougars still losing by a run, 6-5.


Fifth Inning

Crawdaddy and CRads singled for runners on one and two.  Goose hit a monster triple to score a couple notches and retake the lead. 

The first batter for ONG singled.  The next batter hit a shot up the middle, but Big Ball Jimmy grasped it off the ground, touched second base and winged it to JD for the double play.  The last batter fouled out.

Cougars 7  ONG 6


Sixth Inning

The Cougars all had quiet bats and only JD reached base on a walk.

The first batter looped one into short center for a single.  Goose made a fantastic running catch for the first out.  Fort finely fielded a grounder to get the lead runner and second out.  Big Ball Jimmy followed with the same for the last out.

Cougars 7  ONG 6


Seventh Inning

Cougars downed 1-2-3.

Nervous tension joined both teams in the bottom of the last inning.  Fort made a play in the hole at SS and fired it to JD who made a perfect catch.  One out.  Second batter fouled out.  Two outs.  Fort finished it with a beauty play at SS and armed it to JD.  Three outs.

Cougar win 7-6.

Victory is always sweet nerve-ana!

Go Cougars!


Full Game Video








Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Rad Pack

In their heyday, the Rat Pack seized the spotlight at the Sands and fans swooned at their antics on stage.   The Rat Pack had charm and talent, exuding the essence of cool in Las Vegas, America’s Playground.

Still living our glory days, on Tuesday, the Cougars, or shall we say the Rad Pack, seized the spotlight on the sand while fans swooned at our antics on the field.  On Tuesday, the Rad Pack took the stage on the Howard Park playground, exuding the essence of cool like the Rat Pack.

What one thing do both the Rat Pack and the Rad Pack have in common?  Enjoying success with a martini.

The Rat Pack used their martinis center stage. 


The Rad Pack have their center stage Martini.


For 16 years, our Martini has been stirring and shaking it up much to the dismay of our competitors.

It was 60 years ago that Frank, Dean, and Sammy released The Rat Pack: Live At The Sands 1963, and it was an instant classic. 

On Tuesday, the Cougars released The Rad Pack: Live on the Sand 2023, and it was an instant classic.  The Cougars’ performance went straight to the top of the charts with our 8-3 victory over Ready By Tuesday.

It was a full-team effort, but it was Martini who led the way.  First,  he pitched another stellar game.  More than that, though, Martini was dancing on defense, participating in 11 of the 21 outs,  while crooning on offense, driving in 3 of our 8 runs.

Like a medley of greatest hits, let’s recap our chart topping performance because on Tuesday, the Rad Pack were the Kings of Swing. 


First Inning

We limited RBT to a lone hit and Martini fielded a hot comebacker for his first putout.

CRads and Andy singled but we stranded them.

Zeros on both sides.


Second Inning

Another lone single for the opponent.  We got out of the inning unscathed because of a beautifully executed double play from Martini to Big Ball Jimmy to Li’l Rads.

We plated our first run on a Boom single and a double smashed by Big Ball Jimmy.

Cougars 1 RBT 0


Third Inning

Ready by Tuesday realized what day it was and hit three straight singles with one tally.  With runners on second and third, the batter hit the ball to Kev in left field.  Kev made a splendid sliding catch and then fired the ball to CRads who stepped on third base to cancel the runner who left the base early for our second double play of the game.  Eddy finished out the inning with a fabulous catch and throw from short center to L’il Rads at first base for the last out.

Pastor Ted and CRads singled to put them at first and second.   Andy drove a hard ball to score both of them.  Martini followed with a smash single to score Andy. On the highlight reel, watch Boom put on a coaching masterclass at third base!  Impressive and well done!

Cougars 4 – RBT 1


Fourth Inning

Andy made a sweet line drive catch for the first out.  Our foe had back-to-back singles for runners at one and two.  Martini had a laser shot at him and threw the ball to CRads to get the lead runner.  Martini and Li’l Rads teamed up for the third out.

We took a break from the stage and went down 1-2-3.

Cougars 4 – RBT 1


Fifth Inning

The RBT leadoff hitter flew the ball to the moon.  As he rounded third and headed for home, Li’l Rads helped by taking the throw and collided with the runner at home plate for a kick in the head.  A highlight was when an RBT runner tried taking an extra base but Goose fired it to Jimmy who fired it to CRads to tag the runner.

Li’l Rads singled while the rest of us were warming up for our final set.

Cougars 4 – RBT 2


Sixth Inning

The leadoff hitter lasered the ball to Martini and he tossed it to Li’l Rads for the first out.  RBT then had two singles for men on first and second.  The next batter hit a shot to Li’l Rads right and he dove to stop the ball and fired it to Martini who covered first base.  The third out was another hard grounder to Martini.

It was our turn to hit the stage.  Goose and Andy had singles and Martini tripled down the right field line for two ribbies.  Joker got wild and laced the ball down the line to score Martini.  Eddy and Boom singled to load ‘em up.  Li’l Rads pounded a sac fly for another RBI.  

Cougars 8 – RBT 2


Seventh Inning

RBT led off with a double and added a single but no runs.  Martini was involved in all three outs, including another Martini to Big Ball Jimmy to Li’l Rads double play, which was our third of the game.

No offensive encore needed for the Cougars. Game over. Victory.

Like a skilled composer, Diamond Dave wrote the winning score of 8-2 in the book for the Rad Pack.

After the gig, the Cougars and our entourage went backstage to celebrate. 

On nights like Tuesday, the Cougars always do it our way...with a Martini.


Game Video









Saturday, July 8, 2023

Hall of Framers

Howard Park's soul restoring green pasture. 

Ok, ok, let’s put it right out there.  The Cougars are on a four game losing streak and are 3-7 over the last 10 Tuesdays.

Tough stretch for sure but somehow the sun continues rise and shine on Wednesday mornings.

Mother Nature is never fazed by the losses while Midweek Me always feels hazed.

How do I clear my blurred brain?  Well, I look through the lens of life like a photographer. 

Just as a camera captures only a fraction of the larger scene, we have the ability to focus on specific aspects of a situation.  A photographer will meticulously compose a shot and frame it with precision to evoke the desired response. 

This has become clear to me over the last three years as baseball photography has become my hobby.  What I have learned is that resulting memories are so much more important than the resulting score.

Charley slides safely! 

Kyrent acrobatically throws out the runner.

Shawn and Evan collide but make the play.

Connor looking like a superhero catcher.

Ian laser focused with prayer-stained cheeks.

Marco holding his breath to blow the ball by the batter.

Everardo is a towering backstop with a towering backdrop.

The Leo Catholic Lions running the wheel play?!?

What do all these pictures have in common?  All were photographed during losses.

The proper framing can blur the edges of hardship, uncovering veiled goodness and valuable lessons that lay beneath the surface.

So let’s recap and get to work framing our mind.

The Cougars lost the last game 6-5 to Tito’s.  We held our rival scoreless for more frames but they scored more runs. 

We got framed!

Let’s give that 3-7 record over the last 10 games a proper frame of reference.

Did you know that 6 of those 7 losses have come against the top 3 teams in the league?  Did you also know that our last 3 games have been against those exact teams and we have lost by a total of only 5 runs.

We can borrow from the photographer’s playbook and purposefully frame the negative within a positive light.  Moving pictures will show you that we played a fantastic game.

Here, you can see all the highlights for yourself.


The Cougars will always continue improving our artistry on the field.  

Just like the photos above, our 2023 team photo was taken after our loss.  We are all smiles because we are about to win the postgame!

2023 Team Photo

Look at us - we are a work of art!

The Cougars are about to get hot and we are going to frame that flame!

Coach Simmons celebrating the regional championship!

The one thing we know is that the Cougars will always be Hall of Framers!

Go Cougars!


Team Photos 2008-2023


Click here for all the team photos


Game Video






