Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cougars Are Not Beavers

In our inaugural season, the then winless Cougars surprised the Misfit Beavers, one of the better teams in the league, with the first victory in our history. 

This year, we have already handed the Tappers their first victory ever and after last night's first inning, we were well on our way to doing it again with the Geriatric Springers.

We had first at-bats and went 1-2-3 in the top of the first.  The Springers dropped 5 on us in the bottom of the first.  Both teams were scoreless in the second.  Then the Cougars roared back.  The game was 6-6 after 3, 10-6 after 4, 12-6 after 5, 14-6 after 6 and 25-6 after we rounded the bases 11 times in the top of the 7th. 

At the postgame, the Cougars punched their ballots for Cougar of the Game.  Our man Hoglund was the runaway winner.  Hogs played three different positions flawlessly and was a home run short of the cycle.  His triple to right-center was a Ruthian bomb and he was the one needing a medic after puffing around the bases.  In fact, Dan played so well that the Springers asked him to sub in the nightcap of their doubleheader.

Flandog won the postgame award for hosting us and sharing his new toy, Night Light Baggo.

Three years ago this week, we played in one of our most memorable games.  Captain Cougar is about to board a plane so click the link below to relive and enjoy our first victory ever.