Here was our report card.
Offense: D-
Defense B+
Horticulture: A+
It was a beautiful night to play our opponent - the undefeated, head-of-the-class champions from last year.
Miller Time has scored 35, 11, and 10 in their first three victories, so as losses go - only giving up 5 runs is not so bad.
The stellar defense was led by Flannery who caught a line shot for a key third out while playing second base. While playing catcher, he received the throw from the infield with a beefy brawny big boy barreling down on him and made the tag for another important out.
The High Lifers hit some high flyers but our outfielders, Otsuka, Boomgaarden and Lipsey, made every catch. (Heck, like a juggler, Lipsey even made one catch three times!)
On offense, Bobis and Lipinski were the big hitters last night and accounted for our only two runs.
Lipinski notched a double and a single...
...while Bobis had a single and a breathtaking triple; i.e., he ran so fast it took all the breath he had.
We didn't have the answer key but that did not prevent our adoring fans from cheering, nor did it keep them from being adorable.
While were were trying to get a passing grade on the field, these McKenzie kids were playing ball and studying to be the next generation of old man softball players.
After the game, we all lined up in the lunchroom for pizza day courtesy of Boomgaarden who forgot to wear the requisite hairnet.
It was an early night for fourth grade fans because they left for McKenzie's Outdoor Education this morning.
Outdoor Ed is just one of the many events that make McKenzie, well, McKenzie. Variety Shows, Heritage Day, Field Days, 1st & 4th Grade Music Programs, and Fall Frenzy are the among some of the most memorable times. (Admittedly, I might not miss Fall Frenzy next year. If you're over the age of 12 and have been crammed into the hot, crowded hallways during this annual school carnival, then you know what I mean.)
Our current McK is like the McK that Otsuka, Bobis, and I attended as kids, except ours was McKinley School in South Holland. Sixth grade was the big year at McKinley, when we went to Camp Timberlee for Outdoor Ed and participated in the Olympics, which was our version of Field Day.
That school year I had my first experience playing organized 16" softball, while captaining Mr. Kavalunas' team to an undefeated record up until we lost the championship to Mr. Zim's team, who had far superior players. My sixth grade team reminds me of the Cougars because we aren't comprised of superstars, but rather guys with a lot of heart and grit.
Fourth grade and our family's McKenzie experiences are coming to an end (sniff sniff), but our kids are just starting their glory days while watching the Cougars recapture ours each week.
I think the Parris family needs to stop by and watch a Cougar game soon!