Friday, May 31, 2024

Copyright Cougars

Historic Howard Park Cupola

Everyone knows that Captain Cougar is the CEO of the team.  What you didn’t know is that the E does not stand for Executive.   

It stands for Embellishment.  Yep, Chief Embellishment Officer, and I even went to school for it.

Many times in the blog, I have mentioned how I attended community college and also flunked out of college twice.

What you don’t know is that I spent some time at Harvard in the early 1990s.  Harvard has the distinction of being the oldest university in the United States.  In fact, the Department of Plagiarism and Embellishment is the best in the nation.



Now, let’s get it straight, I was on the Embellishment side of the school.  The school taught me how to add decorative details when storytelling.  There is never plagiarism in the blog. (Who else is writing this kind of stuff?!)

One would think that the plagiarism side of the school was teaching young minds how to avoid plagiarism crime.  Turns out it was the opposite.

This headline writer must have been in my Embellishment class and learned how to soften an ethical crime.  Cougar errors will now be known as an ‘Inaccuracy Period.’ 

It’s all so odd because Harvard’s motto is Veritas, the Latin word for Truth.

Folks should know that Harvard is not so good at being truthful just by looking at one of the University’s most iconic landmarks - The Statue of John Harvard.  Sitting right there in historic Harvard Yard, the statue is known as the “Statue of Three Lies” because the inscription claims ol’ John Harvard was the founder (fact check - not true - he was a benefactor), that the university was founded in 1638 (fact check - not true - it was 1636), and the statue is of John Harvard (fact check - not true - the model for the statue was a student). 

According to a Harvard blog article titled, The 3 Lies of Harvard, “Every day, students rub his toe on their way to class, hoping that it will give them luck on their next hard exam.”   (Notice the proper attribution.)

The Cougars don’t play that way.  In our yard, it is three strikes and you are out. 

Truth be told, the Cougars have several things in common with Harvard: our nicknames both start with C, the Cougars are the oldest and most storied team in the league, we also have a wonderful green quad space at Howard Park, and our statue is the historic Howard School cupola. Oh, and our motto is also truth.

But unlike the Crimson crooks, the credible Cougars were out there spittin’ truth on Tuesday night!  

The Cougars are never accused of intellectual property theft; when you write at a third grade level, it's really not that intellectual.

Playing lockdown defense and scoring every run after two outs, we did original work and Tito’s were the ones left smarting.

How ‘bout we recap the action starting with a Harvard-like headline:

Cougars Find More Instances of ‘Fantastic Flourishes’ in Captain’s Work.

1st Inning

We had first at bats, and Charley started the literary larceny with a double to right center on a pummeled ball.  With two outs, Andy, a cut and paste artist, put it in the same spot for our first score.  Fort walked.  Martini hit a spinning infield fly that the first baseman couldn't handle to score another, and then Martini did Martini stuff by taking a wide turn at first goading the defense into chasing him, which allowed a run to score and Martini took third. Cougars score three.

On defense, Kev with a sliding catch for the first out.  Martini got the second batter to pop out to him.  Bobis deftly handled a rocket grounder for the third out.

Cougars 3  Tito’s 0

2nd Inning

Jimmy hit a laser up the middle and beat out the throw.  Boom doubled to right center.  Boom is not a literary looter so instead of stealing words, Boom stole third.  Cougars went scoreless.

First batter got a hit.  Next batter grounded to Charley and Andy had a perfect pickup at first base.  Kev easily handled a fly ball to left.  Ev notched the third out and Andy had another perfect pick.

Cougars 3  Tito’s 0

3rd Inning

Joker lined the ball right down the third base line.  With two outs, Charley dropped one in front of the center fielder and tallied one and then made it to third with aggressive baserunning.  Andy launched a truth bomb over the center fielder’s head for a homer.  Cougars plate three.

First batter rapped a nice hit to left center.  Kev caught one.  Another hit for men on one and two.  Martini to Charley for a force out.  Bobi with a beauty catch on a hard drive to 2B.

Cougars 6  Tito’s 0

4th Inning

Cougars go down one two three.

The first Tito’s batter was safe on a close play (upon slo-mo fact check, he was out).  That’s okay because the next batter hit a ball to JD at SC and he flipped it to Ev who, with the finesse of a forger, gracefully slid his foot on second base and threw across his chest to Andy for a sweet double play.  Ev easily handled the next grounder and fired to Andy for the third out.

Cougars 6  Titos 0

5th Inning

Bobi flattened the ball to left center for a double.  Eddy barreled a nice sac fly to move Bobi to third.  With two outs, Joker ran like a gazelle and beat out an infield single for a run.  Kev labeled one between SS and 3B for men on one and two.  Ev singled to load em up.  Charley tailed one to right center to score all three baserunners.  Andy was charged with duplicative language by blasting his second homer over the entire outfield.  Fort doubled to left.  Martini punched it to the right side to score one more.  JD, showing off his English skills, hit a short backspinner that landed right on the line.  Cougars score seven.

The first three batters for Tito’s singled for one run.  Infield fly rule for the first out.   The next batter hit a sharp grounder and got doubled up by our duplication duo.  Young Fort seized the ball and tossed it to old Fort who fired it to first for a double play to end the game. 

Cougars 13  Titos 1

Diamond Dave didn't need to cheat while penning the scorebook. The Cougars were up by 10 in the 5th so we did the ethical thing by ending the slaughter.  

The early finish gave our wonderful fans a break from all the clapping and cheering.

At the postgame, we celebrated with our arbiters of truth, Umpire Jim and Pastor Ted.  Maybe Harvard should be like the Cougars and have guardians of integrity to ensure authenticity.

Let’s give the higher ups in higher education some grace.  After all, we are all word wranglers.  Everyone plagiarizes Webster but we hide it by changing the word sequence.  And this blog would not exist if I didn’t look over Roget’s shoulder. 

As you can see in the highlight video below, the Cougars always post our original work.  

Be an original.

Don’t be a copycat.  

Be a Cougar.

© 2024  Cougars  All rights reserved









Not available at time of publishing



Friday, May 24, 2024

Playboy Cougars

On a sultry Tuesday at Howard Park, the atmosphere was so charged, we almost shed our evening gowns. The Cougars were a bona fide smokeshow, clinching a 12-8 conquest.

Alluring Howard Park Centerfold

The Cougars ooze sex appeal. We're frisky, sexy, and fun, mirroring the essence of Playboy.   Both Playboy and the Cougars have the tagline of “Entertainment for Men.”

Hugh Hefner launched Playboy as a lifestyle and entertainment magazine, and Captain Cougar started the team and writes the blog for 16-inch entertainment.   While Hef married Playmates, Captain Cougar married the prom queen.  Both our stories, deeply rooted in Chicagoland, celebrate a legacy of charm and charisma.  Everybody knows that Playboy and the Cougar blog are read for the articles, not the sexy shots.

Hugh Hefner and Captain Cougar also share a love for luscious looks and artful alliteration.  

A young man whose zestful drive puts him on the green early in the game. His approach to life? Work plus play in equal parts. Charting a success course in business or a profession, or accepting the challenge of a famous golf course, he plays to win. And he wins often.
- 1973 -

Playboy Magazine's centerfold feature included a "Playmate Data Sheet" that asked a series of personal questions.  Let’s learn about our centerfold Cougars. 

Playmate Data Sheet



Date of Birth

April 29, 2008

Place of Birth

Wilmette, Illinois


16 inches


More bling - another championship ring!


Diamonds and Daves


Opponents wearing green

Favorite Foods 

Fried chicken & pizza

Favorite Movies 

"About Last Night"

Favorite Song 

"Big Balls" by AC/DC

Favorite Reading

Tales of sixteen-inch swingers

Favorite TV Shows

Watching the Cougars frolic on YouTube

Favorite Sound 

The rhythmic thumping of a heavy bat connecting with a ball


Capturing my playmates in action on video

Ideal Evening

Getting dirty with my playmates and then cozying up around a warm fire


Philthy jokes


Rainy Tuesdays

Ideal Man

Skilled in the game, even better in the postgame


It’s always good to have your Pastor nearby when you're with your playmates

Guilty Pleasure 

Wheel plays

Now that you know all about the Cougars, let’s hear about their game.

1st Inning

We unveiled our strategy in our first at bats.  Kev, our dashing leadoff hitter, beat out an infield single, setting the tone for the evening.  Andy and Fort followed suit, sending fly balls soaring to the right side, as we notched our first tally.  JD smacked a liner up the middle to plate our second run leaving the fielders heads spinning.

ONG managed to claw back one, but the Cougars held the lead. 

Cougars 2  ONG 1

2nd Inning

Eddy lashed a liner through the infield but we couldn't bring him home. 

Joker turned home plate into his stage and called pitches with the precision of a Playboy Party Jokes punchline, denying our opponents any chance to score. 

Cougars 2  ONG 1

3rd Inning

As the action heated up, Kev spanked the ball to center.  Charley ravaged the next pitch down the right field line, smartly and swiftly rounding the bases for a two-run homer. Fort hit a beauty of a ball down the right field line but was left stranded on the dirt. 

Our opponents showcased their skills and edged ahead with a foursome in the inning. 

Cougars 4  ONG 5

4th Inning

Boom eyed a walk, setting the stage for our offensive onslaught.  Bobi, our power hitter, took the cover off the ball with a RBI double.  Lil Rads, with four balls, cruised to first like a VIP arriving at the Playboy Club.  Kev, with the strength of a bull, pummeled a double to center for a ribbie. Charley, with his unhandleable bunny bouncer, added to our tally with a single.  Andy pushed it through the infield for two more RBIs.  The Cougars roared back with five runs, reclaiming the lead. 

ONG grabbed a couple and flirted with more but we were saved on the dirt by Li’l Rads virility.

Cougars 9  ONG 7

5th Inning 

Martini, our smooth singles operator, started us off with a base hit. JD, with the patience of a gentleman, eyed the walk, while Eddy laced a liner for another tally. Boom, with a casual walk in the park, added one more for us. 

Our opponents were left scoreless, seduced and mesmerized by Martini’s vertical pitches. 

Cougars 10 ONG 7

6th Inning

Lil Rads walked on the wild side setting the stage for Andy.  With a swing as smooth as a Playboy Bunny's strut, he sent the ball soaring into the setting sun for a dinger, adding two more runs to our tally. 

We continued to flaunt our defensive strength in the bottom of the inning.  Our opponent mounted a little rally, but a stunning double play ended their hopes.

Cougars 12 ONG 7

7th Inning 

As the game drew to a close, Martini and JD both hit on the opponent but their advances were denied. 

Our opponents managed to score one more, but it was too little, too late. 

Cougars 12 ONG 8

Victorious, it was time for Playboy After Dark.  The Cougars sauntered off to the Playboy Mansion for a well-deserved celebration. The Cougars thrive on the thrill of the game, relishing every moment of getting hot, sweaty, and dirty with our Playmates.

Look below and catch every thrilling moment in our sexy highlight reel (and a few fast fun postscripts on the bottom).

Go Cougars!




















Here's a video you'll love. A young Tina Turner in 1969 knocking it out of the park on Playboy at Night. She puts on an incredible performance. Highly recommend.




If you scrolled all the way down here, then I have a story for you.

It was 1999, and I had a meeting with Playboy to discuss the financing of their satellites. Because it was a non-standard investment for us, I brought my head of risk along with me. Plus, it was Playboy. The more the merrier.

We had a good meeting and as we were exiting the office, the Playboy chief financial officer said, "It's nice there were only two of you I had to meet."

I said, "Oh, why's that?"

He said, "Well, IBM was here yesterday and they brought six people! I told them the centerfolds are in LA not Chicago!




Did you know that About Last Night is the only movie ever made featuring Chicago's glorious sport of 16-inch softball?

Did you know the song Big Balls is a double entendre using Big Balls to satarize high society parties?

Did you know that Marilyn Monroe was the first cover and centerfold in Playboy?