Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Summery Summary

Our title today is a little homophonic word play to recap our hour of ball play.

Rather than being idle on Tuesdays, the Cougars play hard and try to be idols.   

Win or lose, you will always hear it here first as I write about our what went right (and wrong) for the Cougars.

First Inning

Old School got two tallies.  The inning was highlighted by a Martini to Li’l Rads pick-off play.

Boom walked and traded spots with Tiny Rads on a fielder’s choice.  Rads singled and Martini walked to load the bases.  JD followed suit and drove in a run with a walk.  Old School shut us down the rest of the inning.

Cougars 1  Old School 2

Second Inning

We held them scoreless.

No runs but two hits in inning by Sawdey and Flandog.

Cougars 1  Old School 2

Third Inning

Two more runs for Old School.   While it was only a couple runs, the Cougars had a crushing blow when Sawdey attempted to put the brakes on a ball to the gap and ended up with a break of his wrist!  We all hope he'll heal quickly.

Pastor Ted beat out an infield single and traded spots with Tiny Rads on a fielder’s choice.  Rads singled to put men on first and second.  As Martini walked to the plate, he called for a hit and run and then singled to score Tiny Rads.

Cougars 2 Old School 4

Fourth Inning

We put them down 1-2-3.

Jimmy hit a triple to the left center field gap and Li’l Rads drove him home on a hard grounder.

Cougars 3 Old School 4

Fifth Inning

Old School put up three on us.   They could have had more but a fantastic relay play from Jimmy to Rads to Joker got an advancing runner at the plate.

Pastor Ted led us off with a smash that the infield could not handle and Tiny Rads smoked a single.  Rads doubled to right center to score both of them.

Cougars 5 Old School 7

Sixth Inning

Three more for our opponent.

JD had a shot up the middle and Joker lined a drive to left.  Li’l Rads singled to score JD and moved Joker  to third.  Flandog walked to load them up.  Patrick lined a single to score Joker.

Cougars 7 Old School 10

Seventh Inning

We held them scoreless.

It was the last inning and we needed three to tie and four to win.  Boom singled and Charley walked.  Rads hit into a fielder’s choice.  Men on one and two.  Martin pushed us to two and three.  With two outs  JD had a clutch single to score Tiny Rads and Rads to get us within one.  The Cougars needed a run to tie it up and Old School needed an out to close it out.  They got their out and the Cougars go down 10-9 in a tough match.  

We only needed one but they won. 

But as always, we rushed to the postgame to have ales for our ails.  We know if we get a bruise on the field, a few brews with Cougar Nation always eases our pain.  Of course, kids, this isn't to say that booze is the way you should deal with the boos and hisses in your life.  The point is that our team is teeming with camaraderie and togetherness on and off the field.  Our imbibing isn't a sole venture but a soul venture! 


Postgame Photos

Because he is our leadoff hitter, our games always start with a Boom.  Last night, it also ended with a Boom because he treated Cougar Nation to a perfect postgame


Video Highlights

Martini to Li'l Rads pickoff play.

Jimmy to Rads to Joker play at the plate

Jimmy's triple


Full Game Video

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