Friday, July 27, 2018

All Effed Up

Yes, F-bombs were dropping all over Wilmette on Tuesday night.

The weather at the field was fantastic.

Our fantabulous fervent fans filled the field with force.

The Fortier family hosted a fantastic fiesta that left us a little fuzzled.

The Cougars had a fragmented doubleheader Tuesday night.  We won one although we were trying for won won.

The first game left us forlorn as we played Old School and lost 9-7.  The final game had a favorable score as we beat Ready by Tuesday 4-1.

Cougars vs Old School

First Inning

Old School dropped four quick ones on us and we closed them out with a Fort to Flandog to JD double play.

Tiny Rads walked to lead off the game and Rads singled to put men on first and third.  Martini hit a sacrifice fly to right field scoring Tiny Rads.

Old School 4  Cougars 1

Second Inning

Diamond Dave was throwing strikes and put ‘em down 1-2-3.

Flandog got a hit but no runs scored.

Third Inning

We got them 1-2-3 again.

Tiny Rads singled and was stranded at first base.

Fourth Inning

Old School went down 1-2-3 again!

Martini hit a double and Joker and JD singled for a run.

Cougars losing 4-2

Fifth Inning

Old School had a few hits, scored three and left a couple men on base.

Jimmy led us off with a single and Diamond Dave walked.  Tiny Rads got on with a fielder’s choice and singles by Rads, Fort and Martini plated us four runs.

Old School 7  Cougars 6

Sixth Inning

The bad guys scored two.

Flandog got his second hit of the game and was left on base.

Seventh Inning

We put them down 1-2-3 again.

Cougars scored a lone run on a walk by Jimmy, a single by Diamond Dave and a triple by Rads.

Cougars lose by two runs 9-7.

Cougars vs Ready by Tuesday

First Inning

Martini on the mound for game two and he followed Diamond’s lead with a 1-2-3 inning.

Fort with the solo hit to leave it all tied up at zero.

Second Inning

Two hits and one run for RBT.  Tiny Rads had an incredible catch in left field to end the inning and save a couple more runs from scoring.  Chants of Diddy Jr. were heard in the stands.

Cougars matched our opponent with a tally.  Bobi walked and Joker doubled to score Bobi.  Then Joker stole third and pulled a hammy.

Third Inning

One hit no runs for RBT.

Diamond Dave with the single but no runs.

Fourth Inning

Rads singled and Tiny Rads was his pinch runner.  Fort walked.  Martini came up and hit a hard grounder to second and Tiny Rads scored from second.

Cougars up 2-1.

Fifth Inning

One hit no runs for RBT.

JD led off with a single and Pastor Ted drove him in with a single.

Cougars up 3-1.

Sixth Inning

Tiny Rads led off with a single and tagged up when his dad flied out and scored when Fort ripped a single down the left field line.

Cougars up 4-1

Seventh Inning

Cougars win the game with a 1-2-3 inning that was capped with Baby Kale doing his best James Lofton impression and tracking down a long fly ball to right center for the final out.

Next week is our final regular season game and first round of the playoffs.

With a fundamentally sound defense and a flammable offense, the Cougars will be a formidable foe.


Game Videos


Game Pictures 

Like father like son.

Jimmy showing his sartorial elegance

The many faces of Hogs

Pete stole third base!

Who is that in left field photbombing this picture?


Postgame Pictures 

The Cougars win the after party too!