Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Belle of the Ball

The Cougars may just be the belle of the ball in the playoffs.

You would have thought we were at the Magic Kingdom park last night because Howard Park was the happiest place on earth for a few hours.

The 6th seeded Cougars beat the 3rd seeded villians, Ethervision, 16-0.
  • Martini and Diamond Dave combined forces to pitch our first ever shutout.
  • JD once again made his infielders look great at 1B.
  • Boom covered the hot corner with perfection and ripped the ball at-bat.
  • Bobi had a key two-out double and made a great play at the plate while at catcher.
  • Flandog had a key two-out single to continue our 10-run inning.
  • Fort was flawless at SS and smacked the sphere at the dish.
  • The Jokewriter was swift on the base paths and patrolled the outfield.
  • Li'l Rads turned an infield single into a triple with smart baserunning.
  • Stabber's long strides turned a couple would-be singles into game changing doubles.
  • Diddy, with pixie dust in his hair after just flying back from Orlando shortly before game time, played a rock solid game at the plate and in the field.
  • JRads gets huge props for sending me on an earlier flight home to make the game.
  • JOx couldn't make the game now that he is a Florida resident but he couldn't miss out on Disney magic.

After the game we hopped on the monorail and celebrated the victory at the castle and Li'l Rads supplied the postgame feast.

The semifinals and championship games are next Tuesday night starting at 6:45 p.m.

The Cougars have to march through the Tappers and Chicken Shack in the next two rounds of the playoffs.  In order to continue this Cinderella story, we will have to ward off these ugly stepsisters to bring home the princely prize.  Everyone loves a fairytale ending.

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