Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Cougars Are Champions!

The title is not a misprint and it's not a joke.  If you've followed us since the beginning, you know that a Cougar championship truly completes our rags-to-riches story.  From our first Tuesday night game four seasons ago when we were slaughtered 38-1 to last night's championship game won by us slaughtering our opponent, this is the stuff that makes sports fairy tales.  

If you just look back at early blog entries, it is truly amazing how our team has improved mentally and physically on the field.  Only a few of us had played 16" softball before, a handful of others had played baseball, and some had never stepped foot on a diamond.  It gives me great pride to know that we did this as a team and to see the great support everyone has given each other to improve.

We couldn't have scripted a more spectacular championship run.  Last week we beat Ethervision 16-0 for our first ever shutout.  Then last night we beat the Tappers 10-4 after losing one-run heartbreakers to them during the season.  Immediately following that, we took our momentum to the Brown Stars and bested them in five innings with a final score of 17-2 to clinch the league title.

In the three postseason games our fiery offense lit up for 43 runs, which was the exact total we had in our entire first season! What is even more impressive is that our sure-handed defense absolutely shut down our opponents.

Here are few quick memories and highlights from the excellent evening.  
  • Martini toying with the batters and getting on base every at-bat
  • Philthy slamming an incredible homer to secure a victory
  • Hogs shooting the ball and finding the holes
  • Diamond Dave batting 1.000 in the championship
  • JD with hands like magnets
  • Li'l Rads flattening the ball with vicious swings
  • Bobi ripping key hits to the gap
  • Flandog handling line shots with ease
  • Stabber striding around the bases like a thoroughbred
  • Fort making catches that would have an extended segment on SportsCenter
  • Diddy tracking down every ball in his vicinity
  • Boom swinging out of his shoes and stealing bases
  • Thejokewriter crushing the leather off the ball 
  • Ski, Trouter and JOx were sorely missed but we cheered them as part of the victory.

It was an incredible team effort.

We celebrated on the field, and then as is the Cougar custom, we continued the celebration until the wee hours of the morning with great thanks to TMart for the delicious taco treats, JRads for the beverages, and Fort and Mrs. Philthy for the impromptu celebratory champagne.  The celebration wouldn't have been complete without our loyal fans whose cheering voices echoed through Howard Park and into the streets of Wilmette.

Looking back at my childhood, there are really only two things that stand out for me:  vacations and sports.  Win or lose, Tuesdays with the Cougars can give us a sporting vacation from the day-to-day monotony we sometimes feel.  For me and my family, the memories created at Howard Park and at the post-games will be cherished forever, and I believe the same is true for all the Cougars and fans.

Now, of course, winning a championship has a direct correlation to an increase in Cougar happiness.  With next season starting in April, we have nine months to ride cloud 9.  But like every high we will eventually come down.  

The only proven way to have sustainable happiness is to surround yourself with a loving family and dear friends.  In this category, the Cougars have been champions for years.

See all of you next season!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Belle of the Ball

The Cougars may just be the belle of the ball in the playoffs.

You would have thought we were at the Magic Kingdom park last night because Howard Park was the happiest place on earth for a few hours.

The 6th seeded Cougars beat the 3rd seeded villians, Ethervision, 16-0.
  • Martini and Diamond Dave combined forces to pitch our first ever shutout.
  • JD once again made his infielders look great at 1B.
  • Boom covered the hot corner with perfection and ripped the ball at-bat.
  • Bobi had a key two-out double and made a great play at the plate while at catcher.
  • Flandog had a key two-out single to continue our 10-run inning.
  • Fort was flawless at SS and smacked the sphere at the dish.
  • The Jokewriter was swift on the base paths and patrolled the outfield.
  • Li'l Rads turned an infield single into a triple with smart baserunning.
  • Stabber's long strides turned a couple would-be singles into game changing doubles.
  • Diddy, with pixie dust in his hair after just flying back from Orlando shortly before game time, played a rock solid game at the plate and in the field.
  • JRads gets huge props for sending me on an earlier flight home to make the game.
  • JOx couldn't make the game now that he is a Florida resident but he couldn't miss out on Disney magic.

After the game we hopped on the monorail and celebrated the victory at the castle and Li'l Rads supplied the postgame feast.

The semifinals and championship games are next Tuesday night starting at 6:45 p.m.

The Cougars have to march through the Tappers and Chicken Shack in the next two rounds of the playoffs.  In order to continue this Cinderella story, we will have to ward off these ugly stepsisters to bring home the princely prize.  Everyone loves a fairytale ending.