Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Cougars Slam With Sam


Cougars corner the action at Howard Park

The Cougars had another debut last night and, oh boy, did he have a ball. 

Sam Gossard was 4-4, including a homer and an unintentional intentional walk.

He made quite the entrance last night.  Sam went from First-timer to All-timer!

Well, it's not his first time at Howard Park.

Sam and the whole Gossard family are charter members of Cougar Nation.  They have rooted and celebrated with us for years.  Sam has been on our radar since the beginning.  

You see, Sam and I have a baseball history together.

When I was drafting new recruits to Charley’s little league team, Sam was our first pick.

Then, Sam came to Howard to watch Captain Cougar smash the ball.

Later, I came out and saw Slammin’ Sam doing the same (at my alma mater!!!).

Now we get to play in the dirt every week together like little kids! 

The Cougars have a youth movement.  At this point, Jimmy is a grizzled veteran leading the way as our first teenager ... and now we have three more.  We've become a teen machine!

The pre-teen teens.  

Every Cougar was youthful last night in our 20-5 victory over UBAA.

The whole game was a highlight reel.   You’ve got to watch it!

Here’s just a sample – Charley demolishing our other homer!

While we scored 20 runs, more impressively, we only let up 5.  Our opponent was done scoring after the first two innings.  We put them down 1-2-3 in five consecutive innings!

Here are a few of our defensive gems on the diamond.

  • Martini to Li’l Rads pickoff (and a fired up Joker!)
  • Martini to CRads to Li’l Rads double play
  • Ev showing off his hops with another leaping catch

It was a rowdy night!  Crawdaddy, Diamond and Boom lost their voices cheering and Diamond ran out of ink keeping the book.  Our fans assembled for the largest crowd and loudest game of the year!

Next week we keep the youthful slam dance going!

Go Cougars!

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