Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Diamond Is A Man’s Best Friend

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they’re also a man’s best friend, especially if that man happens to be a Cougar.  Last night as we opened our 8th season, the Cougars renewed their vows on the diamond.  Cougar Nation did not object and braved the harsh conditions sitting on the not-so-precious-metal pews under the spectacular sky.

Our start was brilliant.  In the top of the first, Boom and Fort led off with sweet singles between short and third and Martini trounced a ball to right center driving them home.  We let up one run to Gulliver’s in the bottom of the frame.  Cougars up 2-1. 

In the second inning, Bobi led us off with a dazzling double to left center but we could not drive him home.  Our polished defense held our opponent scoreless.  Cougars still up 2-1.
In the top of the third, the Cougars gave Boom and Fort a hand for their feats because they used their hands and feets to crush base hits.  This time, JD was the ribbie machine and knocked them both home.  Our stellar defense kept Gulliver’s off the bases in the bottom of the third.  Cougars now up 4-1.

In the fourth and fifth innings, only Li’l Rads rocked the rock and reached base for the Cougars with a hit that sailed past the infield.  No runs for us.  In the bottom of the inning, it was like we were playing on a cubic zirconia rather than a diamond because we let up five runs. Cougars down 5-4.

In the sixth, Martini hit a gleaming gapper to right center and found himself on second.  Then JD pulverized the precious stone and tallied another RBI.  All tied 5-5.  In the bottom of the inning, our defense lost some luster and Gulliver’s scored two to make the score 7-5.

In the top of the seventh, needing two runs to tie, Li’l Rads and Philthy led us off by driving jewels down the left field line.  With eyes like a lapidary, Diddy took a walk to load the bases.  Flandog knocked the nugget for a single to the gap to score Li’l Rads.  Boom then ripped a hit to second base scoring Diddy.  All tied up 7-7.

Gulliver’s crossed the plate in the bottom of the last inning and scored a lone run for their shiny finish. 

The Cougars were rough on the diamond but we celebrated a pure gem at the postgame.

The Cougars and Chicken Shack joined forces in Freeds’ warm backyard (thanks, Freedmans!!) to celebrate Diamond Dave’s 60th birthday. 

Cheering and celebrating Dave should really be a daily event for his friends.  C’mon, how many readers out there have heard Dave say, “I can help you with that,” “I have a tool for that,” “I can make that for you,” or “I’ll give you some?”  All hands raised?  That’s what I thought.  To all of us, Dave is helpful, generous, and selfless. 

Who is Dave to you? 

To some, he is a musician with his guitar and song. 

To others, he was the linchpin in the McKenzie Variety show. 

To card sharks, he’s a poker king at the table. 

To his team, he’s an athlete on the field. 

To the hungry and thirsty, he is a chef, sharing his homemade chocolate, coffee, and vino, as well as lethal margaritas. 

And to Barb, he is the badass from the 1970’s who won her heart.

A wise person once said, you only have one birthday - the day of your birth.  A birthday is really your birth anniversary.  According to Hallmark, the traditional and modern gift for a 60th anniversary is a diamond.  How fitting for our friend, Diamond Dave. 

We all know that Diamond Dave is everybody’s best friend.

The Most Interesting Man in the World

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