Monday, May 3, 2021

The Survivalry


On a crisp clear evening under the lights, the Cougars opened up our 14th season against Chicken Shack.

The greatest and longest rivalry in the league had both teams with slightly different looks with grizzled old veterans as well as bright new youngsters.

Some of the names and faces may have changed over the years, but when we play Shack, all the Cougars see is red.

Let’s get to the action!


First Inning

With Martini out, SRads took the mound with spirit.  Maybe too much.  The Cougars got the leadoff hitter with a quick out and then Shackers took the early lead with three singles, one tally, and two left on base.  After the inning, CRads told an amped up Captain Cougar to cool it on the chirping. 

Good call.  Action not words.  We always start with a Boom, and he laced a liner to center to start our offense.  Kev was next and beat out an infield single with Boom racing to third.  CRads crushed a shot to center scoring Boom.  With no outs and Cougars on second and third, SRads bounced one to the right side easily scoring Kev and a speedy sliding CRads scoring from second.  Fort and JD had back-to-back, hard-to-handle singles putting Cougars on first and third where they remained.

Cougars 3  Shack 1


Second Inning

Shack got a couple hits but no runs.  Martini would be proud.

For the Cougars, Evan led off the bottom of the second.  Wait, what?  Evan?  Evan Fortier?  This handsome little chap?

Yep, that’s right.  Many kids dream of being an MLB player, but the real dream is being a Cougar!  Ev is proof that the Cougars don’t rebuild.  We reload!

Welcome to the team Evan!

The Cougars plated another three with singles by Crawdaddy and Boom and a walk by CRads.  With the bases loaded and two outs, SRads hit a ball to left center clearing the bases and ending with a headfirst slide into third for a triple.

Cougars 6  Shack 1


Third Inning

In the third inning, Shack brought out the power of three.  Nine runs.   They lit us up.  They batted around.  All of them.  The old cluckers and the spring chickens.  Whoo boy…that was rough.  That was a long cruel inning that put Shack up by four runs.  Did you really think that the Shackers were going to let the Cougars run away with this game?  That’s not how the rivalry works, friends. 

After being battered around, the Cougars picked themselves up off the dirt and picked up their bats.  JD and Joker both beat the ball to the left side and then Ev moved them both into scoring position with a bouncer to the right side.  With men on second and third, Crawdaddy hit a shot down the third base line scoring JD and putting runners on first and third.  Boom then beat out an infield single scoring Joker. 

Shack 10  Cougars 8


After the inning, Brad the Ump called both captains to home plate to tell our teams to zip it with the arguing.  He also said we were moving like turtles on the field, pointing out that we were 30 minutes into the game, the lights go off at 10PM, and it was only at the end of the third inning.  Love this rivalry!


Fourth Inning

In the top of the frame, except for a hit, it was a 1-2-3 inning for Shack.  Li’l Rads and Kev were defensive gamesavers all night at 1B and LF.

In the bottom of the inning, the Cougars kept clawing back.  Rads, JD and Joker all singled to score two more and tie it all up.

Cougars 10  Shack 10


Fifth Inning

Both bunches bloodied, a break in the brutal battle as Shack and Cougars both go down 1-2-3.

Cougars 10  Shack 10


Sixth Inning

All rested up, Shack scores one.

All rested up, Cougars score one on a CRads crushed hit that started as a hard liner in the infield and turned into a worm burner in the outfield.  He raced around the bases in fast forward mode for a stand up homer!

Cougars 11  Shack 11


It’s really turning into one of those games, isn’t it?  All tied up going into the last inning, it was past 10PM and over an hour of game time.  We were not only playing against each other, but racing against the lights going off.

Ok, here we go…


Seventh Inning

Shack scores two to take the lead in the top of the last inning. Shack up 13-11.

The Cougars have only one last inning come-from-behind victory in our history.  It was six years ago...against Shack.  

JD led off the inning with a stand-up triple that was hit so far it disappeared into the night sky.  Joker singled to the left side scoring JD and then took second on the throw.  Ev came up and moved Joker, the tying run, one base closer to home. 

Two outs. Runner on third.  Down by a run.  Pressure on.  Crawdaddy, looking like Thor with his mighty muscles and long locks, wielded his hammer at the plate.  Using his superhuman strength, he pounded the ball to left field for a stand up triple scoring Joker to tie the game. 

Top of the lineup up for the Cougars.  Shack, not wanting to see another Boom, gave him the intentional walk. 

You know…the last time the Shack gave the Cougars an intentional walk in the last inning of a close contest, our next batter hit the game winning RBI.  Diamond Dave was the hero that night six years ago.  Would it be déjà vu all over again?

With two outs and a man on third, we needed a line shot or hard grounder.  Kev stepped to the plate and swung the magic hammer. He nailed the ball on the ground and with superhero speed beat the throw to first and Crawdaddy scored the walk off winner.

Cougars 14  Chicken Shack 13

It was another knock-down-drag-out contest for the history books.

The Cougars survived this round, but we know the Shackers will be ready for the rematch later this year.

The Cougars will be ready as well because Evan is determined to remain undefeated against Shack.

The unrelenting gladiator-like play during a contest between the Cougars and Chicken Shack makes it more than a rivalry.  It's a survivalry.  

Go Cougars!


